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Finding TTP Interviews During Staff Shortages and Facility Closure

Updated: May 31, 2023

It's 2022 and everybody has either quit their job to find better or moved into entrepreneurship. So basically, anywhere you go there's a staff shortage, meaning wait times are longer and service is limited.

This also applies to government agencies, so they aren't exempt from the "Mass Exodus". Trusted Traveler Program interviews for Global Entry, Nexus, SENTRI, and TSA Pre-Check were already few and far in between.

People who travel internationally use these programs as a resource for their travels, so less interviews means less people getting their credentials. I mean, you know how those airport lines can be... imagine doing that every week. Exactly.

There are some ways you can grab an interview in your city, if you live in a state with multiple enrollment centers. States with one center have basically no appointments, and some states don't have any centers.

If you're trying to get an appointment ASAP or don't live in a state with enrollment centers, use these tips below to find an appointment at your earliest convenience even when things look completely booked up.

How to find TTP interviews

Make sure you are logged into your TTP account and your application has been conditionally approved. You can find your status on your Dashboard under "Applications in Progress"

Use the search filters when looking for appointments and be as specific as necessary. Sometimes too many filters will leave you with no results.

Scroll down and look at the alphabetical and regional lists of locations. Find an airport you prefer and click on the location to see earliest appointments available there.

Pro Tip: Miami FL; Phoenix AZ, Chicago IL, Denver CO, Tuscan AZ, Calais ME, and a few others have appointments in 2022. (Updated: November 16, 2022)

Like and comment on this blog post if this helps you find a TTP interview or taught you something new about the application process for any TTP membership. Talk soon!


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