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12 Tips on How To Maintain Mind, Body & Soul Wellness While Traveling

Updated: May 31, 2023

I will always love to travel, but I realize that hopping on a plane and flying 30,000 feet every couple of weeks is exhausting physically, mentally and can feel a little crazy at times!

I always thought traveling would be the best way to stay recharged and healthy. Reality is, there are certain things I have to do whether I'm traveling or not to stay healthy, and traveling too often without implementing those things causes me to feel more stressed physically and mentally than I did before I hopped on the plane.

So instead of relying on 30,000 feet, cocktails and free airplane snacks to solve my problems, I've found some tactics that I use on all my trips to keep my mind, body, and soul in a healthy state as I continue to cross off countries from my bucket list.

Here is a list of tips that have helped me stay connected with myself and recharge my batteries when I travel. Hopefully you can use these tips to help you stay grounded and healthy on your next adventure. LIKE & SHARE with your travel friends!



Do Your Morning Routine

Starting your mornings like you always do will help you feel mentally prepared for the day ahead, even if it's a day of relaxing on the beach or hiking up a volcano. If that looks like drinking a cup of coffee, stretching, doing your skin care routine or having a big, hearty breakfast, do that!

Use Travel Affirmations

Affirmations can help you stay in a positive mindset when you encounter stressful or new situations. It's common to feel anxious when you experience new things and using affirmations like these can help you shift any negative mental spirals to something more positive.

Prepare For The Journey

Instead of facing challenges when they arise during your trip, think ahead of what you might have to deal with and plan for a solution. If you know you have allergies, bring extra medication just in case. If you're someone who hates bugs no matter what, bring lots of bug spray. So on and so forth!

Bring A Piece of Home

A lot of people get homesick when they travel, so to avoid this feeling bring something with you that reminds you of the people or place you left behind.



Prioritize Rest When Needed

Traveling is draining on the body, and I haven't met anyone who gets quality sleep on the plane, even in first class. Take a day or two during your trip to simply rest your body and catch up on sleep when you need it. The adventures will still be there after a 2-hour nap.


If you're someone who works out at home, try to implement a modified workout schedule on vacation too! It will help you stay feeling & looking good, and makes it much easier to jump back into routine when you return home.

Watch Your Diet

I know we all love to stuff our faces with all the delicious foods on vacation, but travelers diarrhea is real and a bad case of this will ruin any good vacation. Be mindful of the foods you eat and where you're sourcing them from. And worse case scenario if you do eat something that causes the bubble guts or indigestion, bring Pepto Bismol.

Stay Hydrated

You probably struggle to drink enough water at home, so I know you're not drinking enough when you're traveling and experiencing new things. Bring a bottle of filtered water everywhere you go so you can maintain mental agility and enjoy your day to the fullest.



Call Your Loved Ones

A quick phone call to someone you love can be the remedy you need while traveling so make sure you get an international phone plan or connect to a secure wifi network so you can talk to them when needed.

Keep a Journal + Reflect Daily

Journaling helps you stay present in the moment and reflect on all the experiences you've had. A day full of adventure can be hard to process mentally so write it down! You can also look back at your journal after your travels to experience the adventures all over again.


There's nothing quite like giving back to a community that was kind enough to host you in their home land. It's a great way to remember that we're all the same and have the same needs, even if we live different lives thousands of miles apart.

Be Still in Nature

Slow down and recognize how amazing the world is by being still in nature. By just taking a few deep breathes, taking in your surroundings, listening to the wind and recognizing where you are is a great way to recharge your soul and ignite gratitude.


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